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Dr. Santosh K. Singh

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Dr. Santosh K. Singh has obtained his Ph.D. in materials and electrochemistry from CSIR-Chemical Laboratory (CSIR-NCL), Pune under the supervision of Dr. Sreekumar Kurungot. In his Ph.D. work, he did a focused study on the development of electrocatalytic materials which can be used in the fuel cell, zinc-air battery water electrolyzer, and supercapacitors. Prior to joining Shiv Nadar University, he has carried out post-doctoral research in internationally premier groups and also worked in the R&D sector of an India-based multi-national automotive industry focused on the development of automotive-grade fuel cell stacks. Dr. Santosh is an experienced and knowledgeable researcher who has so far shown a great commitment to multi-disciplinary research. He has extensive experience working with international research teams and international environments (France, Japan, Czech Republic). Dr. Singh received the highly competitive Raman-Charpak Fellowship in 2015 and carried out his research work at the University of Lille, France with Prof. Sabine Szunerits. Dr. Singh has also received the highly competitive and prestigious JSPS postdoctoral research fellowship in 2017 from Japan to carry out his advanced postdoctoral research at the University of Tsukuba, Japan.

​   Professional Journey


  • Assistant Professor (December-2021 - Present) at Shiv Nadar University, India: Exploring the electrochemical aspect of the catalytic materials to the development of Next-generation electrochemical Energy devices

  • Senior Postdoctoral Researcher (January-2021 Ë— December-2021) at the University of Tsukuba, Japan: Mechanistic understanding of metal-free carbon catalyst for the fuel cell development with Prof. Junji Nakamura

  • Technical Leader (Materials)-Electrochemistry (January-2020 Ë— December-2020) at KPIT Technologies Ltd., Pune-India: Performance improvement of the membrane electrode assembly (MEA) for the electric automotive-grade LT-PEMFC

  • Visiting Researcher (November-2019 Ë— December-2019) at the Central European Institute of Technology (CEITEC), BUT, Czech Republic: Development of high-performance 3D printed catalytic electrodes for water electrolyzer applications with Prof. Martin Pumera

  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Postdoctoral Researcher (November-2017 Ë— October-2019) at the University of Tsukuba, Japan: Catalysis and surface science for fuel cell catalysts with Prof. Junji Nakamura.

  • Raman-Charpak Visiting Research Fellow (January-2016 Ë— July-2016) at the University of Lille, France: Development of flexible supercapacitor with Prof. Sabine Szunerits


Latest News

September 2023

  1. Dr. Singh has attended the conference "      " held in Lyon,France 
  2. Nitin has joined as a PhD student.
  3. Vidhi has joined the Group as a Int. Master student. 
  4. Ananya has joined the Group as an OUR.

August 2022

​Shouvik and Dipti has joined the Group.

April 2023
Pranjit has joined the group.

March 2022

Bikash K. Mahapatra and Nitin Tyagi has joined the group.
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